In response to the escalating situation in the country, the American University of Beirut’s (AUB) ‘Neighborhood Initiative’ has stepped up, providing essential assistance to displaced individuals from all over the country.

Neighborhood Initiative’s relief response

In a recent interview, Mona El Hallak, director of the Neighborhood Initiative, detailed the community’s efforts over the past weeks. “We have managed to fully support the needs in two public schools designated as centers for internally displaced persons (IDPs), by supplying them with hygiene kits, warm meals, mattresses, pillows, and medical assistance,” she said.

Ten days into the crisis, the initiative has successfully supported 560 individuals in one public school, and 280 in another, while extending limited assistance to over 1,200 people in various centers and buildings.

“Our success is rooted in the strategic partnerships we’ve cultivated over the years, which are proving invaluable now,” El Hallak noted. Collaborating with NGOs, supermarket chains, and university students, the community’s relief efforts are succeeding in making sure IDPs are well catered for.

Through PROCOL Lebanon, the Neighborhood Initiative has established a long-term partnership with the Institute of Global Prosperity (IGP) at University College London (UCL) and participates in its’ Citizen Scientists Academy. This collaboration focuses on community-based training, empowering communities to advocate for social change and influence policies that impact their livelihoods from within. In that lens, the Neighborhood Intiative has made it a point to empower members of displaced communities by involving them in the relief process.

‘Some members have been recruited to help coordinate and distribute donations, fostering self-sufficiency and resilience among those affected’ El Hallak mentioned.

Given the urgency around the displacement crisis, the Neighborhood Intitiave and its partners have also created an on-site pharmacy, gathering medical supplies and medications to provide urgent care, particularly for those with chronic illnesses who have been displaced.

Maintaing an eco-conscious approach despite the urgency

An eco-conscious approach is integral to their work – El Hallak emphasized, “We try to operate on a zero-waste principle, minimizing single-use plastics. Disp​laced individuals are provided with multi-use cutlery and plates to reduce waste resulting from food packaging. All water bottles in the Ras Beirut Public School are being collected for recycling by volunteers from the displaced community staying there.” This commitment not only addresses immediate humanitarian needs but also promotes sustainable practices, which are at the core of the initiative.

Furthermore, in response to the situation, the ‘EcoHub’—a community space founded by ‘Ahla Fawda’ in collaboration with the Neighborhood Initiative—has been transformed into a humanitarian center. This eco-friendly space, which promotes environmentally responsible practices, now serves as a key logistics hub for the humanitarian relief operations in Hamra.

In the EcoHub, the ‘Eco Dekkene,’ a community store where residents can exchange plastics for vouchers, has been mobilized to support displaced individuals. People can retrieve essential items from the store, including clothing, hygiene products, and non-perishable foods, all while participating in recycling efforts by bringing back refillable bottles and containers –  though participation remains voluntary.

As the crisis continues, AUB’s Neighborhood Initiative stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the power of community solidarity and innovative thinking in the face of adversity. Through collaboration, empowerment, and sustainability, the initiative not only addresses immediate needs, but also lays the groundwork for a resilient future.


Author: support

CategoriesAcademic AUB Relief

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