As the situation deteriorates, we stand in solidarity with our patients and their families across all our medical centers. The ongoing violence in our country has left many displaced, injured, and in urgent need of medical care. Medical facilities across Lebanon are on alert and sometimes overwhelmed by the influx of emergency cases.

LAU remains committed to providing education, healthcare, and, above all, hope. In this moment of great suffering, your action can bring hope where there is despair. We know many of you are facing challenges of your own, but together, as a united community across the globe, we can ease this pain and help Lebanon heal.

Please stand with us and support those struggling — whether it be our students, patients, their families, or the countless people facing adversity.

LAU  urgently appeal for your support to help our most vulnerable patients, including those directly affected by the violence. Your donations can provide essential medical treatment and resources, helping to save and rebuild the lives of many who are suffering.

donation link



Author: support


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